Meet Our Team
People Behind Springfield

A Meet Our Team People Behind Springfield small, passionate, & powerful team.
Talented people with big ideas and creative minds

Will Smith
CEO / Founder

Mark Keegan
Web Developer

Jonny Meyarber
App Developer

Will Smith
CEO / Founder

Mark Keegan
Web Developer

Jonny Meyarber
App Developer

We're Creative
Get to know us better

Fusce faucibus tincidunt nulla, tincidunt sagittis magna venenatis quis. Proin commodo eu ipsum eu suscipit. In dapibus arcu sit amet imperdiet posuere. Praesent condimentum nulla at mauris ornare, eget consequat felis euismod.

Vivamus a placerat ante. Duis vulputate nibh sit amet augue vehicula, mattis viverra purus tristique. Integer lobortis erat in placerat fermentum. Sed luctus varius leo ac posuere. Integer eget est vitae dolor.